
Monday, November 5, 2007


Recent technology in the field of online computer backups has made data center disaster recovery plans a breeze.

In the old days (think before 2005), data center disaster recovery plans were only marginally effective. Data had to be stored on CD's, in folders, on zip disks (remember those?), and on backup computers. Many businesses didn't bother to backup data to a separate location at all.

The major flaw with backing up to "the backup computer" has always been an issue of security. Most backup computers are connected to a network in the office, which allows for easy data transfer. Certain threats, like system bugs or viruses, to any of the computers on the network then become threats to all the computers on the network. Clearly, this plan does not represent a secure data backup system.

Advances in technology have addressed these issues. Many computer backup systems now feature online computer backups, and businesses are now able to store their data online, keeping their data centers secure and safe from viruses and system bugs.

Online computer backup systems can add additional security to important data with the use of password systems that restrict access to the data. This type of security extends data protection to address hackers and unauthorized personnel.

Online computer backups also save space at the office. Typically, more data can be stored online than in any folder, CD or even backup computer. This translates to increases in work efficiency and production.

Businesses small and large are now better equipped to deal with any disaster, because all the important data is stored remotely, in a central location, which makes for much more efficient data center disaster recovery plans.

No matter what catastrophe hits, online computer backups have these businesses covered. Business owners can be assured that whether a file got corrupted or a full system crash occurred, their data has remained safe.
Realize, however, that when choosing a computer backup system with an online backup system, it is advisable to make sure that it can deliver the goods. If it can, then you have probably found a data center disaster recovery plan that will maximize your disaster coverage.


Mobiles can hold vast data of information via a device called the Subscriber Identity Module card, popularly known as the SIM card. This tiny card can offer a lot of value as it maintains your data, preferences, and enables portability. This removable SIM card device also helps to keep your data secure.

SIM Cards and Our Mobile Phones

SIM cards play a very important role in managing our data on our mobile phones. This SIM card acts as mobile data memory. It is due to the SIM card that your mobile can hold the valuable phone numbers of your business clients, friends, and family. SMS forms a very important way to communicate these days. You must have sent millions of messages from your mobile phones to connect with your loved ones or for business purposes. The SIM card allows you to store these messages on your mobile phone.

Mobile phones have become much more than just phones. People increasingly use their mobile phones to take pictures or shoot video clips. In addition, people are also downloading music on their mobile phones these days. Modern SIM cards allow users to store large amounts of data without worrying about the lack of storage capacity.

The SIM card also enables transfer of data such as messages and phone book from one mobile phone to another. This can be extremely beneficial when users change their mobile phone sets, which has become a frequent phenomenon these days.

Can you Lose Data from Your SIM Card?

SIM cards, like any other electronic device are prone to damages. Mobile phone crime is on rise and malicious people involved in mobile theft have made SIM cards their partner in crime. SIM cards are delicate electronic devices and can be damaged very easily if they are manhandled.

How Can you Lose Data from Your SIM Card?

There are times when people get SIM card errors while making a call or receiving a call. This may be due to a hardware error because the SIM detection tab under the SIM card becomes faulty. In some cases, the SIM card door becomes loose due to which, the SIM card is not able to function properly and you may not be able to make or receive calls. The electronic circuit space wherein the SIM card gets fitted may also get faulty, due to which the SIM card will not be able to read the data. The SIM card itself may also get faulty. This can be a problem that will be more serious in nature because in such cases you will have to not only get the SIM card replaced but also recover the data from your damaged SIM card.

However, hardware errors are not the only errors that are responsible for loss of data from your SIM card. There are times when an accidental corruption can result in data loss from your SIM card. A virus infection is also one of the major reasons for data loss. In such cases, data will be lost or corrupted and you will have to either buy data recovery software of hire data recovery specialists to retrieve your data.

Are There any DIY Software Packages Available to Recover Data From Mobile Phones?

There are a lot of DIY software packages available in the market that can help you recover your messages as well as phone books. There is software that's read-only software. Therefore, they are completely non-destructive for your lost data because the risk of the data being overwritten by the data recovery software is eliminated. However, if you want to buy this software, make sure that you check whether or not the software will work if your SIM card is locked due to unauthorized PIN code. There is some software that explicitly states that the software will be rendered ineffective if the SIM card is locked.

Will Calling up a Professional Recovery Service be a Good Idea?

It depends on how important the lost data is to you. If the data on your SIM card is extremely important and can result in huge financial losses or emotional discomfort, then it would be a good idea to call up a professional data recovery service. Hiring the services of a data recovery specialist significantly increases your chances of successful data recovery. While most DIY software promises data recovery, the question remains as to how successful this recovery will be.


My computer to me is a very important machine. It is at the centre of my work-life. My very important data resides on it, the type of data which I just cannot do without. This includes my family pictures, photos of my travel to different countries, the accounting files of my small publishing business and, most of all, the only copy of the latest book I am writing. It had started off as ordinary day and there was nothing unusual about it. I prepared to start my day early morning, with a steaming mug of hot coffee in hand. I was quite excited as I was almost going to finish the last chapter of a travelogue I was writing about my travels to an exotic country. The publisher's deadline was dangerously close. I had to deliver the entire finished manuscript in a few days. As I plonked myself in my comfortable chair, I switched the computer on. I expected to see the screen come alive with the reassuring and welcoming Windows boot-up screen. However, nothing of the sort happened and the monitor screen remained dark and dead. I could hear an ominous screeching sound coming from the CPU. What was it? What happened to the computer I loved and trusted so much? I tried switching it on and off many times, but with the same result.

After mulling over my predicament for a few minutes - with the publisher's deadline looming ahead - I called up a friend who knew a bit about computers. He came over, had a look at the problem and pronounced: "The hard disk has crashed. It is a serious situation." My entire data was lost. I had no idea what to do. If I couldn't get the hard disk working again, I was in real trouble. That is when it dawned on me how important it was always to keep important files on one's hard drive backed up on other storage media such as DVDs, CDs, tape drives or portable hard disks. So what was the solution? My friend told me that little could be done at home. We had to take professional help and call a data-recovery company. But how to go about finding one? I went to my friend's home and Googled around for a data recovery outfit in my area. I discovered that there were about a dozen prominent ones.

Now the problem arose - which one to choose? My data was very precious, and I just couldn't give the custody of my damaged hard drive to anyone. What if they were incompetent and the problem became worse? Choosing a company involved going through the website of each, reading the customer testimonials, the charges that would be incurred and the facilities offered to customers such as "no recovery, no charges." What was also very important to me was that a recovery company should give a free diagnosis and estimate as to how much it would cost me to get my important files recovered. The service should also be quick, as my deadline was nearing and I did not want to wait till eternity to get my data back.

After much deliberation, I chose a prominent Data Recovery company. I couriered the hard drive to them. Their engineers took the drive to a clean room, opened it and diagnosed the problem. The read / write head had come off its hinge and crashed on the platter surface. It had scratched the surface, but fortunately not where my important files were located. The company said this is a routine situation they face with many such cases coming to them every week, and they had developed procedures and specialised software to recover data from such hard drives. The estimate they gave for recovering my files was reasonable, considering what other companies were charging. My manuscript was worth its weight in gold for me, and I gave the go-ahead. Within three days, I got all my data back neatly copied on a new hard disk. I was thus saved from a terrible disaster. Now I make it a point to never blindly trust my computer or continue working on the assumption that nothing will ever go wrong. I have also invested some money in buying a portable hard disk. It is a wonderful device that stays attached to my computer and keeps taking data backups at regular intervals. Now, whenever my hard disk crashes on me, I have an option. I will just recopy data from my portable hard disk to a new one and it will be business as usual.


It has been observed that many companies prefer it even today (about 80% of the digital data even today is stored on tapes.) even when many new devices such as flash drives, portable hard drives or even CDs and DVDs have come up as data backup media. Let us have a look at the reasons for the same by considering the advantages that tape drives offer.

Advantages of Tape Drives

In tape drives, it is not possible to access any data randomly but it can be accessed only sequentially. But even with this apparent disadvantage, high data transfer speeds (up to 80 MB per second) can be achieved on them. The randomness in access of data is also not required generally as most of the data backup is carried out just to comply with the laws of disaster management and these data are rarely accessed in reality except when a disaster strikes.

Another significant advantage of tape drives is the amount of storage space that they offer. It ranges from a few Megabytes to about 800 GB that too without compression. With such a large amount of space available, a single tape drive could prove to be sufficient for all the data that you may need to backup.

To add to the above mentioned capacity, tape drives offer you a high compression ratio, which means that the data that is to be stored on the drive can be compressed to even half its original size.

Also, with the technological advancements in the form of new storage media, the tape drives also have not been left behind. They have shown a vast amount of improvement over the years since 1951 when the tape drive was first introduced.

Cost is always an area of prime importance when data backup is concerned. Tape drives are quite cost efficient as well and are cheaper than most other forms of data storage when the ratio of cost per amount of data that is stored is taken into account. This makes the tape drives affordable especially for small businesses which do need to backup the data but cannot afford to invest a large sum of money for the same purpose.

Another possible advantage of tape drives is the tape library system which helps you keep your data organised and this particular process is automated as well. The software that is used for the same has also shown a lot of development over the years.

The reliability of storage of data on tape drives has been in question many times. But nowadays even that is not a thing to worry about since the tapes keep your data quite safe for a long period of time though not as long a time as offered by hard disks. But this is amply compensated by the cost difference between the two.
Corruption of data that has been backed up is a problem that has been faced by many companies so far and the only solution for the same is making multiple copies of the same data. Practicing the same by using disks proves to be very expensive and hence a backup copy on a tape is generally preferred.

Where security is the concern, tape drives also have not been left behind and the newer versions offer options such as WORM (Write Once Read Many) which allow data to be written on the disks only once and it can be accessed many times. Other features such as encryption are also available. They also limit access to the data to a particular geographical location so that the data cannot be stolen over the internet.

The Last Word

The tape drives are also expected to hold a large share in the market in the years to come as tapes which can store up to 2 TB (Terabytes) of data are expected to be developed within 5 years from now. Given all these advantages, it is no wonder that tape drives remain the preferred backup media even today!


Data loss can occur in any number of ways. From fire to human error, customers and clients turn to you to for guidance. You would like to advise your clients as to how they can minimize data loss and lead them down the road to recovery. The following scenarios outline incidents that cause data loss and tips to help avoid additional damage.

Physical Damage:

Physical damage to hard drives can manifest itself in many forms including clicking, grinding, spinning or other strange noises. If you suspect physical damage has occurred these tips can help reduce further damage:
Be aware of strange noises or grinding

Do not shake, disassemble or attempt to clean any hard drive or server that has been damaged - improper handling can make recovery operations more difficult and can lead to valuable information being lost
Never attempt to operate any visibly damaged devices

Turn off computer immediately - further operation may damage data beyond repair

Fire Damage:

Many people are unaware that data recovery could restore data from computers damaged in a fire. Important tips to share with customers suffering from this specific damage include:

Do not attempt to clean fire damaged media

Do not place in refrigerator or freezer to cool media

Do not try to remove hard drive - ship entire computer for recovery

Physical damage, no matter what the cause, requires clean room attention.

Water Damage:

Do not attempt to clean or dry water-logged drives or other media

Never attempt to dry water-damaged media by opening it or exposing it to heat - such as that from a hairdryer

Before storing or shipping wet media, place in a container that will keep it damp and protect shipping material from getting wet

Do not attempt to operate visibly damaged devices

Perhaps the most important tip to share with your customers/clients is to never assume that data is unrecoverable, no matter what it has been through.

Non-physical Damage:

Users may see messages such as "No OS found", "Corrupt Volume" or may simply be missing files and folders
Shut the computer down immediately. The longer a damaged hard drive is left running, the more data that can be irretrievably lost

Do not run "CHKDSK" or "VRepair"

Ontack Data Recovery specialised in data recovery services and software in the United Kingdom.


The basis of data protection is simply backing up your data. All areas on your disk should be backed up regularly. A complete backup program consists of the follows steps:

- Backing up the drive type (if you are using an older system or hard drive i.e (the MBR including the FAT daily), system files and the user data (regularly), making an "emergency" boot floppy for each system and taking precautions to minimise the probability of an accidental format and it is also very important that you
- regularly defragment the data to ease any data recovery tasks, take advantage of verification features of the operating system and applications if applicable. Keep at the back of your mind the threat posed by computer viruses and knowledge of how to protect your computer and data. The safest way to avoid computer viruses is to use an excellent antivirus and update it regularly.

- Also of great important is the CMOS information of your hard drive type. Document specifications for the drive (heads, sector and you will always be able to enter the data into your new system and get the drive to work.

Backing up system files cannot be overemphasised. Your operating system' s default systems files, includes configuration files that directs the operating system on how to work and how your applications should work with it. If you loose these files you may come to a dead end. If you are concerned about data integrity, backup regularly and quickly too.

I wonder how many of you have backed up your hard disk in the last seven days or one month. There are two kinds of hard disk users: the ones who have had a disk failure and lost data that wasn't backed up and the ones who are going to loose data. You should endeavour not to be among any of the users because it would be a disaster to loose vital information.


Across the world, instances of data loss continue to rise, thus complicating the process of hard drive data recovery and making this a process of utmost importance. Sadly, there are two types of computer users in this world: those who understand the computer system because they respect the work it does for them and those who don't care to know the details as long as work gets done.

Whether you belong to either of the categories, it is important to read this discussion because it would give you the confidence to deal with a major disaster relating to hard drive data loss. As the storage space for IDE drives increased, the prices hit almost rock bottom following which the hard drive manufacturers explored ways to bring down the production costs of these mass storage mediums.

The end result is that more data is being stored in smaller spaces. Today's hard drives are competent to store about 500 times the data stored on the drives of computer hard drives systems two decades earlier. With such amazing increase in storage capacities, the issue of data loss is more critical.

The materials which these manufacturers used for coating the surface of the disks were naturally subject to this cost-cutting. No wonder, professionals who recover data are quick to point out the fact that inexpensive hard drives are most vulnerable to head crashes. This is because small minded manufacturers who focus only on cutting costs use very bad quality, cheap materials which are naturally prone to develop head crashes.

Although you may be wondering why a "newbie" is being subjected to this intense discussion, remember that there are certain things you can do to tackle the post-data-loss scenario so here are some simple tips for a successful hard drive data recovery:

It is important to stop using a problem hard disk or storage media from which you want to recover data. Consider this as a rule of utmost importance because each time you attempt either to boot up or start a system, you are worsening every possibility of data recovery, literally. Work on the problem hard drive only after attaching it to another computer as a secondary/primary slave.

Be aware of the fact that even a harmless process like browsing, without saving any files of downloading can prove to be extremely hazardous because your operating system writes and over-writes data to the hard disk, continuously. So this is again something to consider.

If you are trying to recover data on your own, the first thing you should clearly be aware of is not to disturb the problem hard disk. Data recovery software should not be loaded on the problem disk. What can be done without any hesitation is this: simply load the data recovery software on the good hard disk of the computer to which you have attached your problem hard disk as a primary/secondary slave.

After you have attached the problem hard disk, you can go on to create an image of the disk, using a disk imaging utility and work only on the image thus created. This would make sure that the data on the hard disk remains intact. This leaves you completely free to check out any number of data recovery software on the image of the problem hard disk.

Sometimes, the problem of spindle motor sticking may have cropped up. Manually spinning the motor would free the drive, so this would permit it to spin long enough to save your files. This can be easily done by opening up case and spinning the platters in a manual way.

If you have the habit of repeatedly trying to boot up the hard drive, this may, on highly exceptional situations, resurrect a drive with a serious problems as this continual switching on and off is too hard on the other components as well. It is best to wait at least 2o seconds before going on to switch off and switch on.
With this discussion, you would be better prepared to handle hard drive data recovery than ever before.


A wide variety of failures can propel severe external or physical damage to drives and storage media. When the drive is physically damaged, a greater level of precaution needs to be exercised in order to ensure that the data is still recoverable. To clarify your understanding, external hard drive data recovery means the process of recovering data from external hard drives like USB or Fire wire when the data is neither lost nor inaccessible because of some reason or the other. External hard drive data recovery process comprises the same process followed while trying to recover some lost files. Let's take the example of the ICD-ROMs which may get damaged because their metallic substrate is scratched.

Keep in mind that hard disks can suffer any of several mechanical failures, such as head crashes. There can be a case of failed motors so physical damage always causes at least some minimal case of data loss.

Most physical damaged drives cannot be repaired by the end users. For example, opening a hard disk in a normal environment is a complete no-no because the dust would obviously settle on the surface. If that happens, that could worsen the damage caused to the platters and complicate the external drive data recovery process even further.

The difficulty is that most users aren't experts nor do they have the hardware or technical expertise required to make these repairs. So it is best to opt for data recovery companies to do the job rather than make costlier mistakes that complicate data recovery processes further. Most professionals use Class 100 clean room facilities to protect the media while repairs are being made. How this is done is discussed herein.

The extracted raw image is used to reconstruct data that can be used after any repair of the logical damage is carried out. Once the repair is complete, the files may be in usable form although its actual recovery may turn out to be very incomplete.

Some helpful examples of physical recovery procedures include removing a damaged PCB (printed circuit board) and replacing it with a matching PCB from a healthy drive. Other good examples comprise changing the original damaged read/write head assembly with matching parts from a healthy drive, removing the hard disk platters from the original damaged drive and installing them into a drive that works fine. As these procedures are technical in nature, it is best that these are taken care of by professionals and not by untrained persons.

When the hard drive is physically damaged, remember that any additional access to the same drive would definitely corrupt data. This would make it much more difficult to get information back. Note that if the damaged drive happens to be the drive containing the operating system, don't consider trying to boot the drive. But for a desktop, there is less cause for worry as all you must do is disconnect the boot drive and replace it with a new drive. A tip for you is that do ensure the drive can accommodate the image of the current drive.

Next, an operating system can be easily installed on the new drive. You just need to reconnect the old drive or put it in an external case and connect via USB or FireWire.

In creating a new primary drive, you would be able to run the disk imaging software from the new drive. This way, you would be able to prevent the need for any writing to the old drive. If your hard drive works in a RAID system, you need a service that specializes in RAID data recovery as it wont be a good idea to do it on your own.

When a hard drive is prepared for its initial use, the drive is magnetized. This is done with a number of self-synchronizing magnetic bits. The purpose of this self-synchronizing structure is that, no matter where the hard disk is in its rotation cycle, the hard drive controller would be able to speedily touch down as to which of these bits represent no-man's land, which of these actually represent the drive's formatting, and which represent critical data.

Various situation based examples were discussed to clarify your queries on external data drive recovery. So do utilize this informative discussion sometime when you come across data problems on your external hard drive.


There is a lot of bad news nowadays because data is getting lost faster than eve before. This has now become a matter of grave concern because large companies are fighting each other to make profits yet their functioning is getting their profit lines into deep trouble.

A large part of our work depends on data stored in computers, laptops and even iPods. The iPod is a great device that revolutionized the music industry. Apple's sleek digital audio device is one of the world's most successful tech gadgets that crossed whopping sales of more than 3 million units since the year 2001.

By making the iPod so tremendously user-friendly, this device has more a customer base of millions and millions of consumers from all over the world. The iPod makes it legal for consumers to access legal music on demand for just a dollar for every song. This means you don't have to go to the store to buy a CD for $15. You can listen to it on your iPod. This is how the iPod became a household name. But from a security perspective, the iPod hasn't created a good impression at all. Thus, the future of iPods doesn't look too bright.

Most gadgets like the iPod, when used by professionals, pose serious and severe risks in the context of organizational security and data loss. Thus, it is now an established fact that when gadgets such as iPods are connected to a work PC, this can be extremely risky. A malicious code can easily enter the corporate network and remain undetected by the intrusion detection software or the corporate network's firewall system.

Another danger is that the iPod can work as a USB mass storage device and can serve the same role as a USB pen drive so it does have an impact on computer security though Apple never had that in mind. Controlling the access to iPod data and resources is thus essential. There are methods and mechanisms can be used to accomplish this type of access control, but historically they're generally software-only solutions. But most of these are trapped in evolving phases which makes it difficult to attempt iPod data recovery without the help of professionals.

Further, most access control mechanisms relating to iPod data recovery seems vulnerable to software bugs and implementation errors. As this may result in data compromise, it is not worth pursuing.

In 1971, a paper titled 'Protection' was presented by Butler Lampson where he explained the concept of data protection through the concept of multiple domains of information running on a single host. This idea is mainly that each domain would execute independently and with differing rights that exist for the programs in each of the domains. This great theory was a huge and tremendous inspiration for countless computer scientists who were researching on the subject.

This becomes even more significant in the light of the fact that for content providers such as record companies, this idea from Lampson will allow them to ensure that their content is accessed only in a manner of which they approve. For instance, when we refer to a system like the iPod that has these domains implemented, then the files can be read only by trusted and authorized programs.

The problem with this protection theory is that it is not always possible to achieve complete control of data with software-only solutions. Most access control mechanisms fall prey to loopholes that severely damage data later on. Another reason is that access control mechanisms can't be manipulated beyond a point as these are so complicated that they require interaction with the user very frequently.

No doubt, the iPod is not an entertainment device any longer. In fact, it is a device that can leak information and store information so handle iPod with care and in case of data loss, get help from the experts.


The world of data recovery is somewhat a big mystery for most consumers and even for some IT professionals. This is largely because hard drives are complex devices and their technological specifics are not generally well known. No wonder, the market for data recovery services and professionals spanned a stunning, astounding figure of over US$100 million. This reflects how rapidly the industry for data recovery services and professionals has grown by leaps and bounds.

Let's first understand what brings about data loss. Data loss can be caused by a combination of factors which often requires professional assistance. The current finding of cloning the damaged, malfunctioning drive and using the cloned version on a new drive as a means to recover data may be helpful but it is best to engage professionals to help you.

Coming back to our discussion on causes of data loss, this may also occur if your OS fails to boot or if you get a blue screen error, but this should not give an impression to you that all is lost. These data losses can be caused by bad sectors which stall the drive head every time it tries to read them. If your drive is detected by another computer, there is hope of copying your data prior to total failure. There can be situations where you have a brand new hard drive but you still suffered data loss. Sometimes a faulty component or a faulty installation can also lead to data loss. Sometimes it can be due to sudden electric failure to which the brand new hard drive may not be immune. So there are countless causes that can lead to data loss.

One of the most often asked questions that you would naturally want to ask if you have suffered a loss of data is, "how can you help me to retrieve or recover my lost data?" Do not worry. With the right blend of knowledge, experience and tools, it is possible for a competent data recovery professional to carry out a recovery 'surgery' for your data loss problem.

The data recovery services and professionals are extremely well equipped with an amazing array of software, hardware and other technologically advanced tools to help recovery data. Most of the data recovery labs utilize a combination of the best and most high quality proprietary software, specialized hardware, and years of valuable experience to recover data after a major crash, or even acts of sabotage.

There are also highly trained computer forensic specialists who are competent to handle each recovery to ensure your data will not be compromised during the process of the recovery. Most data recovery professionals are extremely conscious of the fact that your data is sacred and irreplaceable to you, so they handle the issue with great care.

The first thing that a data recovery firm would do on receiving a hard drive is evaluate it. They would try to see whether logical recovery is required or not. Most firms of repute do not charge evaluation fees but some firms do so and there are other firms that levy an additional charge of on site support. Perhaps these contradictions simply mirror the highly saturated nature of the booming data recovery industry where it seems to be a dog-eat-dog world.

The time frame for data recovery comprises about 5-10 business days for physical issues and 2-4 days for logical issues. In situations where the components are not available, this may extend to several weeks to complete the recovery. The costs associated with data recovery services and professionals vary to a great extent. There would be quotes that range from $300 to $5,000 for standard hard drive recoveries. So before you send your drive for data recovery to any professional or firm, make sure that you locate a company that will give you an up front cost, be it for either a logical or physical recovery.

In most cases, you will be able to recover your data through data recovery services and professionals. Go ahead and show your confidence and engage data recovery services and professionals to do their job and ease your tensions!


The modern era propelled great advancements in the field of computer and Internet related aspects. Because of the rapid strides thus taken, the importance of data and data storage have gained great importance whether it is in the form of emails, removable disks, files, DVDs etc.

Despite tall claims by most professionals and companies about the invincibility and perfection of these storage processes, reality points out the data recovery services industry is a rapidly growing multi million industry because of the speed with which data loss is taking place from across the world.

It is but an accepted fact that data loss can happen at any time, any place and worse, to anyone. So there is never a time when you can sit back and state that nothing can affect your data because data loss is a constantly happening phenomenon.

Data protection and recovery is all about ensuring that the data can be properly accessed so that professionals can utilize it. It is most important that the use of data involves the proper flow as well as the assurance that the data is genuine and safe. It is even more critical to enjoy the confidence that an authorized user won't devastate the data system by overwriting or deleting as the potential threat of physical loss of data due to natural disasters or accidents looms large.

Because of this potential threat, most infrastructure optimization is proactive. All organizations are conscious of the requirement to maintain the best and most dynamic capabilities for guaranteeing smooth data recovery. Good data protection is that which minimizes downtime due to data loss and maximizes the productivity of both the IT organization and the users.

One type of data recovery is when there has been damage to the media so all the pre-existing data requires to be recovered. This obviously means that repair of the media is essential. The second form of data recovery occurs when files are purposely or accidently deleted. In such situations where the action of deletion is deliberate, it can be recovered because no damage is usually caused to the media. Therefore, it is possible for standard software to recover the data. In fact, most softwares perform this very same recover mode because few of them can properly assimilate the working of damaged media.

Once you have understood that your data loss has occurred, remember to contact the best known professionals in the field so that an evaluation is carried out by them. Check if the company offers ongoing back up services and trainings for staff on how to prevent data loss. Certain companies even offer certifications. It is good to ask about whether the firm uses optical, magnetic, or tape based systems. Remember to check the qualifications of the personnel. Most established firms are proud to display their credentials.

It would be a good practice to ask for at least three quotes from different data recovery professionals so that you can compare prices and the services. Once evaluation is done, they would let you know the price quote and the course of action that would be taken. This would require your approval.

On giving your stamp of approval, you can heave a sigh of relief because even if the price quote leans on the expensive side, your data is recovered and that is what is of greatest importance to you.

It is important that you use your system as little as possible until you recover all of your lost files. This means that the industry practice of not writing anything at all on the damaged drive hold true for you as well.
Because of activity taking place on your hard disk, the greater the chance that some of your lost data might be written over. Keep this in mind whenever you are about to write over the damaged drive.


Microsoft exchange servers enjoy great popularity with many businesses, due to their expansive communication and planning features. Email communication forms the flesh and soul of any thriving industry because it proves to be indispensable in the corporate world.

The mails may pertain to hundreds of important things. It may relate to meeting notices, memorandums, important business attachments or simple emails of greetings. If the importance of email communication is underestimated, then there is great danger ahead for any professional or industry. The importance of email has given way to methods for data storage duplication, data archives, and waste of hard drive storage space.
An exchange server refers to a messaging system that facilitates transfer of internal and external electronic messages. This application is widely used in organizations as an organized relational database to manage communication.

So when an Exchange Server goes down, the effects on a company can be dramatic and needless to say, terribly disastrous. Suddenly, all email communications cease, meetings schedules become inaccessible and client lists lost. The pulse of the industry is badly affected which means there is cause for worry and panic. This is a scenario which requires fast action, and a quick return to regular service. Although the rational course of action is to opt for the normal restore operation, where email communication is the most critical application that keeps a business alive and kicking, it becomes necessary to recover exchange data recovery without a second's delay. So here is a way for exchange data recovery.

Carry out a Dial Tone Delivery: Opt for a dial tone recovery though it is more complicated than a normal restoration. However, if the idea is to get the Exchange Server back to a functional state, this is the most effective tip to assist all users for sending and receiving messages almost immediately. You can then go ahead to recover the actual data without suffering such tremendous pressure.

To learn how this process works, let's assume that though the Exchange Server data is lost, there are other functional servers on the network and that you do keep a backup of the Exchange Server. Your first step is to use the Active Directory Users And Computers console. You must go on to delete the server's computer account from this Active Directory. Once this is done, go ahead to the mailbox of each user. No, don't worry because this isnt too tedious as you imagine. Windows Server 2003 assists this task as it enables you to select multiple user accounts to complete this task without difficulty.

Now your focus is to bring the replacement server online and install Exchange Server on to it. To do this, make sure the Exchange Server is running the same service pack level as the destroyed server. Once you managed to have the new server up and running, get back to the Active Directory Users and Computers console. Go ahead and create mailboxes for all of the users. This way, Windows Server 2003 comes to your assistance again as it allows you to select multiple user accounts. Bingo, now you can surge on to create all mailboxes at one go!

A good practice to follow is that you should make it a point to test your backup files on a monthly basis so that you are familiar with the processes. If the situation arises wherein it would be required for you to restore data to your production environment, this would not become a problem due to your familiarity with the procedure. The other advantage of this is that it would reduce the downtime of your servers.


In our fast paced society, mobility has become essential in "keeping up". With the costs of laptops becoming so much more affordable and performance parameters turning more competent, it has become essential for most people to have their own laptops. From individual users, to self employed professionals, laptops are a most preferred 'mobility' option.

Lost data may occur due to numerous other causes such as accidental files, partition deletion, user error, mechanical failures, reformatting, overwriting, software corruption that is logical, virus attacks, and environmental damage due to fire, floods, etc.

Data loss in most cases occurs suddenly. In fact, most laptop hard drives endure different abuse elements as compared to your standard 3.5" desktop hard drive. Laptop hard drives are more or less identical to your standard 3.5" desktop drives because of usage of same technology in terms of the internal mechanics of the drive. However, there is a tiny difference which is that all components are essentially smaller and compressed within it's smaller environment. With components ever so delicate and precise, this poses as added difficulty factors for data recovery engineers to tackle while handling the stringent guidelines for laptop data recovery.
Laptop users across the world have grown and continue to multiply with the ever changing and demanding work environments that are so characteristically competitive. The industry practices are thus aimed to enhance facilities for laptop data recovery using tools and resources needed to meet the laptop data recovery demands of tomorrow.

Regardless of the type of failure, there are many competent, highly experienced and well established laptop data recovery specialists who possess the know how in this delicate field of storage media recovery.
For all Standard recoveries, there is a process that you are expected to follow from start till end. So let's understand the general process for laptop data recovery in detail.

First, your Laptop hard disk will go through an initial engineer diagnostic evaluation. The purpose of this thorough specialist evaluation is to accurately assess and determine specific media damage and/or logical issues. From this detailed assessment, the data recovery specialists would be able to provide a proper course of action for laptop data recovery.

After the evaluation process, the specialists would provide the customers with a firm and accurate price quotation. Once this report and price quotation is provided, customers will then be asked for their full authorization to allow our engineers to proceed with their laptop data recovery job.

Once this quotation is approved by you, the specialists would begin your full laptop data recovery process and will contact you throughout this process as updates arise.

But as the wise men say, prevention is better than cure. So if you have been fortunate not to suffer data loss on your laptop, here are some effective tips to prevent laptop data loss in future:

Make use of an external USB hard drive as means of maintaining a complete back-up of your system. You can either opt for those little flash USB drives as a way to back-up your critical files, or you can opt for external USB hard drives that hardly take up any room at all. If you are attached to a network, it is best to request your IT department to request that your laptop should be added to a network back-up schedule.

Believe it or not, you can use CDs or DVDs. These are good as they can quickly back-up critical files and store those CDs to a safe place. All you must remember to do is maintain a weekly backup of your important files. If you opt to use CDs that are rewritable, then you can use the same one a couple of times. But don't overuse this as that could lead to problems.

With these tips, go ahead and have confidence that you are definitely on the right track.


Forty years ago there was only one type of computer system. Today, the variety of computer systems has grown into its own world of complexities. Technological advances have been extraordinary in the hardware side of the industry. Yet while we marvel at ever-faster storage devices and greater processing power, it's good to remind ourselves that we also need amazing new operating systems and file systems to manage the hardware and data.

True, there are many machines using Microsoft file systems, but it is a widely accepted fact that UNIX file systems survived stronger and much longer. UNIX operating systems have definitely established itself as a stable environment for most companies. In fact, most of the servers that are part of the infrastructure of the Internet are running a variant of the UNIX operating system. Recently, Linux has proved to be a stable alternative for companies running database servers or other business applications.

The Linux operating system placed great emphasis and focus towards the server environment, and increasingly the environment that is crucial to every professional, namely the desktop environment. Linux remained constant and been true to its UNIX roots. No wonder, it continues to grow by virtue of its 'Open-Source' status. The good thing about being Open-Source is that no single company gets to control the operating system. Some of the smartest minds in computer science established and devoted their careers to developing the operating system and file systems for the UNIX and Linux platforms.

Before the Seventies, the custom designed operating system was meant for for the hardware of the machine. The UNIX operating system had been designed in the late Sixties and was implemented in the early Seventies.
The amazing thing about UNIX was that it allowed hardware companies to concentrate design efforts on hardware without having to design a custom operating system to go with it. When UNIX started out, it wasn't even marketed as a new operating system yet UNIX emerged further as an operating system and a strong alternative to mainframes. With great focus on the file system point of view, UNIX brought a number of improvements to the design of file systems.

Most professionals for data recovery focus on the evaluation and recovery of one of these types of file systems. The stages of recovery are partition and volume verification, logical file system scan, error investigation, and repair, and volume reports.

However, there are situations where the quality of the recovery cannot be verified. One of these situations is when a file system repair utility has made permanent changes to the file system. When the tools of professionals fail to undo these changes because specific data has been changed, it is a difficult situation. Most of the UNIX file system variants also permanently remove inode entries when data is deleted.

Situations where files have been overwritten present the same problem; specific information that points to the data has been overwritten. All is not lost in circumstances like this. There are professional data recover engineers who have tools that will bypass the file system and look for specific file types - sometimes known as the magic number or unique identifier of a file. In these cases, the file names may be unrecoverable, however the file data may be readable.

No doubt, data recovery is a science-a great, emerging discipline that requires the best of trained experts. By opting for a company that claims to specialize in data recovery yet uses off-the-shelf recovery tools doesn't guarantee efficient data recovery success.

You must opt for a company or a professional that researches and studies these file systems and then designs a suite of tools to facilitate Linux and Unix data recovery. Remember, automated tools provided by several data recovery companies don't provide a good answer to complete the data recovery process/ This requires the professional services of experienced data recovery engineers who work till data is recovered. So remember to opt for the best solution providers so that quality is never compromised.


RAID server data recovery is one of the toughest and most challenging processes for any data recovery firm to undertake. This is because the problems pertaining to RAID server data recovery are compounded by the user's actions before the drives are sent to professionals for recovery.

Many users make the mistake of attempting to recover the data themselves or repair the array through various system utilities. Where the data is critical, these mistakes can prove to be highly damaging and expensive. This is because when you have a RAID failure that brought forth substantial loss in terms of data, it is usually something so serious that it costs that person his job or career in case the critical data fails to be recovered by the data recovery specialists. Therefore, the best advice in situations where RAID failure occurs, is just leave it alone and let the experts in the industry do their job and save yours too.

Remember, the critical data you are probably dealing with may be worth hundreds of thousands of dollars in labor and resources. This implies that value in terms of its intellectual currency itself may tantamount to millions of dollars. Corporate bosses are not going to be bothered with how the failure occurred, or the technical jargon as their concern would be only about how to recover the data. Instead of taking chances on your own, it is always best to call a data recovery professional. RAID data recovery is going to cost you quite well, yes, it can be expensive, but in most cases it is much less costly than trying to recreate the data that has been lost which may mean that your job may be lost.

There is a set procedure that most data recovery professionals follow when it comes to performing any recovery work. These procedures are followed and expanded upon when dealing with a RAID recovery.
The first step of any RAID recovery is to check whether all of the drives are functional. In order to properly complete the recovery, it is essential that all drives are function fully. This may necessitate the need to take any physically damaged drives into the clean room. The clean room treatment would imply that repairs are carried out to make the drives function normally again.

Once this is done, the second step is to make complete, sector-by-sector clones of every drive. This is different from the concept of "ghosting", but a very low-level process. In this process, the recovery technician gets to work around bad sectors, and exercise control over how the drive functions. During the cloning process, the original source drive that the user sends in, is generally put in a "write protect" mode so that no data can be written to the drive. This guarantees that the original source data is not altered in any way.
After completion of the cloning process, the original drives are kept aside and not used any more. The actual recovery process is performed on the cloned copies.

After the drives are cloned, they will be destripped. Destripping is like taking the scattered pieces of a puzzle and putting them together neatly. Simply stated, destripping is taking the data scattered among the multiple drives that make up array and placing it onto a single destination drive. If the damage to the stripe is not too severe, in most cases a complete rebuild of the directory structure and all associated data can be completed.
With these details on RAID Server data recovery, remember that though RAID data recovery is expensive, it is the best solution to save data and maybe your job.


In business, data loss refers to an unforeseen loss of data or information. There are several root causes for data loss, and although there have been many backup and recovery efforts made over the last few years, more often than not, data loss is permanent.

Studies have consistently shown hardware failure and human error to be two most common causes of data loss, accounting for roughly three quarters of all incidents.

A commonly overlooked cause is a natural disaster. Although the probability is small, the only way to recover from data loss due to a natural disaster is to store backup data in a physically separate location. Be it the recent earthquake in Peru, or the ongoing wildfires of California, an offsite data backup is critical for the security and longevity of your organization's data.

The cost of data loss is directly related to the value of the data and the length of time that it is needed, but unavailable. Consider:

* The cost of continuing without the data
* The cost of recreating the data
* The cost of notifying users in the event of a compromise

There is no guaranteed way to prevent data loss. However, the frequency of data loss events and their impact can be greatly mitigated by taking proper precautions.

Consider using battery backups around your office to protect against surges and power failures. Similarly, regular backups are an important asset to have when trying to recover from a data loss event.

Finally, consider using external software hosting or an ASP software solution, to ensure that mundane tasks such as maintaining antivirus protection and network firewalls, and staying up to date with all published security fixes and system patches does not compromise your data.

Replicon mitigates this common issue by offering it's time tracking and expense management solutions in a hosted version via web browser, thus reducing any chance of data loss or corruption through redundancy in their servers and daily backups of data.

User education is probably the most important, and most difficult, aspect of preventing data loss. Nothing else can substitute user education, preventing them from making mistakes that jeopardize data security.


Corrupted/Invalid partitions and volumes

Imagine this:

You have worked overnight, and are looking forward (as if) to the meeting with the board of directors the next morning. You finish typing and looking through the documents in your laptop, saving and making sure the details are right. You then retire for the night, thinking (worrying) about the events that are about to occur in the morning.

Then, the next morning, you switch on you computer, only to reel in horror that you can't turn on the computer! You get the error message, "Invalid Partition Table" and can't even boot up your laptop!
If you see the error message (which by right you shouldn't), then it is possible that your master boot record is corrupted or contains information which the system (in most cases, Windows) deems invalid.

Once this happens, you lose the ability to access that particular partition or drive volume, and in turn, can't access the information inside that partition.

However, data inside the partition is not lost, just inaccessible.

Recovery from corrupted/invalid partitions and volumes

As in all recovery work, the first things you need to do is:

check for any physical failures

create a disk image

This step is necessary so that recovery can be done on that image, instead on the actual drive that has lost the data.

The reasons for doing all the checks and backups are to ensure that you do not lose all chances of recovery, the hard disk platter gets physically damaged or data gets overwritten.

To check for physical failures, ask yourself if you heard any clicking and grinding sounds. Sounds which are a good indicator that your hard disk is suffering, or going to, suffer from physical damage. Thus you need to consult the advice of a professional data recovery service provider.

Backup procedure

Things you need: another working computer, recovery software and ample hard drive space to store the entire contents of the data loss hard drive.

First, you need to physically remove your drive and connect it to another working computer or laptop. If you do not know how to remove your hard disk and connect it to another computer, ask an experienced friend or ask you local friendly computer store to do it for you. In fact, if you are not confident at all, it is best to print this guide for them to follow.

Once you have connected the drive to another computer, its time to recover the actual data! Well, not really since you still need data recovery software to recover the data.

You need to download recovery utility. From this point on, I will be referring and using the data recovery software and data recovery tools (free).

Remember! Do not for whatever reason whatsoever, install anything, even if prompted or urged by the manufacturer or any other friends who are "expert" in all things computer related.

Once you have downloaded the software, unzip it and double click on the application.

What you are doing now is to create an image of the corrupted drive, and proceed with recovery work on this image, and not on the actual drive. This is to protect the integrity of the data on the original drive in case anything goes wrong, you can still refer back to the original drive in its initial state of data loss.

To create an image, you want to use the Image Backup/Restore function, which is under the tools menu in ADRC's data recovery tools.

You should see there are two radio buttons. Select Create Image From Disk.

Then, in the lower drop down menu, select the drive you want to clone. Save and image file name, and then wait for the operation to finish.

Once you have created and image, you want to recover from this image.

Data Recovery Express

To recover from an invalid or corrupted partition, there are several softwares which can be used. However, in this particular guide, we are referring to ADRC's data recovery express, which costs US$6.99. The software is relatively powerful and is priced cheaply, thus there is minimal risk.

Run the software (just double-click on icon). Under the settings tab, you would want to check the "raw disk scan" option. Then, select the image you have created, and click "Begin Scan".

And now we wait for the automated recovery process to finish.

As long as you have not done anything after realising that your disk partition has been corrupted, your files should be remain intact. In fact, ADRC recovery express can repair files that have suffered corruption, so long as the corruption is not severe.

Now go onto your next headache! The board meeting! And remember, to have several backups!


Trying to fix a computer registry problem can be a real pain to deal with. Im going to show you a few simple steps you can try to fix your problem, if all else fails I have a surefire way I can tell you about later. Lets get started; here are a few things you need to consider when fixing your registry problem.

-First, take a look back and try to remember when the problem started. Was it a site you visited or did you just turn on your pc one day and the problem was there?

-Second, you need to realize that there are some people out there who like to wreck people's computers for fun. I know it sounds pretty messed up but we are mainly talking about teenagers here who are trying to impress there friends. You need to also realize kids are smart today when it comes to computer technology; they have made it where they have all corners covered. This is a problem for you, because even methods that should work do not.

How can I fix this registry problem on my computer?

Your best bet would be to simply reinstall your windows operating system and see if that clears the problem. In all reality this will probably not work, but it works in a very small percentage of cases. You also need to be prepared to lose all your data on your computer unless you back it up. You could find some great software that will take care of your problem also; you can actually check my blog in the link below for a surefire fix if nothing else works for you. I hope you found this article helpful, and I hope you fix your computer registry.


So you want a sprint reverse cell phone lookup service? That's very understandable, but you need to realize that looking up any number is the same no matter who your carrier is at the time. So that means that you can look up and number with ease with the proper service/methods.

How do I lookup a Sprint cell phone number?

Ok first off you need to know that theres any easy method to finding anyones phone number if they are active online. This will only work if the person you're looking for has posted something online that the search engines can spider and pick up.

Steps to finding numbers through search engines:

What you first want to do is go to any of the major search engines and type in the person cell number you are looking to find. This will work for sprint, Verizon or any other provider also. Next you need to make sure you dig deep in the index pages, many times the number your looking for will be found up to ten pages deep! Yea its alot of looking but once you find the number and info your set, also make sure you have tried every single combination of entering the phone number. Whats going on here is your picking up on maybe something this person is selling online, or just any time he/she entered their personal information online.

What if I cannot find the numbers from the search engines?

Well you could try the yellow pages online, but I am almost certain that you will not find a cell phone number since they are not listed in them. Your next step would be to find a reputable company that will find the information for you, you can also check out a sure fire way I have on my blog below in my bio box. I hope this article has helped you in your sprint reverse cell phone lookup service quest, good luck!


So you want to repair a windows registry problem without much hassle right? Well there can be a number of problems that cause this, so we will o over a few key points and try to help you out. If all else fails I can show you a surefire way to get thing back up and running. So lets get started here, you cannot fix the problem without understanding what is causing the problem.

What causes my registry problems?

Well there's alot of people out there that have nothing better to do than wreck your computer, I know its pretty sad right? With that being said lets take a look at what's going on here.

-Dynamic Link Library (DLL) files are libraries of executable functions and codes that are used by a Windows operating system and the applications installed on it to perform various functions. DLL files are linked to programs using either static or dynamic links. A static link is formed when a program is linked to a DLL throughout its operation. A dynamic link is formed when a program uses a DLL only when required. Most of the DLL files have .dll, or .exe extensions. So what you have here is an alteration of what is normally accepted in your operating system, and this causes a problem for your computer. Now to fix this issue you only have a few choices.

What are my choices for repairing the problem?

You could try to reinstall windows and see if this fixes the problem, but alot of times it will not. It's really hit and miss and can be time consuming, so if you want to go that route then feel free to do so. Another option is to take your PC down to your local computer repair shop and let him take a look at it. Most likely he will try to sell you some over priced software and repair fees that add up to a couple of hundred bucks.

If all else fails you can check out a surefire way on my website in my bio box below, but remember that the problem can be fixed. I hope you found this article useful, good luck with everything!


Hard drive recovery is an important tool to combat data loss. Many threats to computers could lessen data accessibility. It could be as simple as file deletion. Or, as catastrophic as hard disk failure. Whatever it may be, the necessity for hard drive recovery in both circumstances is foremost.

By the end of this article, you should have gained enough new knowledge on this subject to be able to explain its main points to another person.

The number one dictate in hard disk recovery is if you accidentally erase store; do not to write something more to the hard drive. This data recovery dictate applies in every circumstance. If you erase a partition, do not design another. Abandon it clean instead. If you ensue to erase store in the recycle bin which you believe important, do not hoard something to the drive. This data recovery suggestion may sound puzzling but the deduce for this is that hard disk do not erase something, whether data or partition. When you erase a file, the data is still in the drive. What ensued is that the working routine script the tangible matter of the recording as free for potential use while exit the inventive data there. The processor hides the file so you can no longer get to it. Its still there awaiting a new data is printed over it. So if you hoard another data to the drive, it will believe store evident erased as drain legroom and fake over them. If that ensues, then the erased data is in bother in change upsetting hard disk recovery procedures.

The same dictate applies to partition. If there is no partition information, the working routine cannot read any data. But that does not mean that the data is not there. Only, you can't read it. If you have just one partition and the working routine does not gathering, the best decision is to move the drive to another processor.

Transferring the drive to another processor prevents the drive from being accidentally printed over and potentially allows you to access the data in change execute hard drive recovery by with Windows traveler. If you erased necessary working routine store, the drive can still be read from another working routine. If you cannot move the hard disk, resist the temptation of re-installing the working routine.

We hope that you have gained a clear grasp of the subject matter presented in the first half of this article.
The simplest technique to hard disk recovery with unmarried partition with spoiled working routine is to wader your processor with DOS wader disk. Then use a DOS compatible file recovery syllabus.

Installing your had drive into another processor or putting a new drive with discrete working routine into your tide mechanism will permit you to endeavor access to you data through Windows sandpaper traveler. And you can unharmed try data recovery because you have a completely discrete hard drive. Freeware hard disk recovery syllabus is also free to facilitate the chore of recovery. One can indicate from many decisions.

The hard drive recovery tools optional above are doomed to facilitate hard drive recovery pains. If all moreover fails, a hard drive recovery overhaul could be the last decision. Hard drive recovery overhaul could be greatly more posh but data hoard could be appeal it.

Seeing believes, but sometimes we can't all experience every subject in life. This article hopes to make up for that by providing you with a valuable resource of information on this topic.


Hard drive recovery can help you recover lost data that would otherwise be impossible to restore. While hard drive recovery sounds promising, you still have the task of choosing the correct solution for your particular problem, and then following through with the appropriate steps to get your data recovered.

In this article, we hope to share with you the many aspects that this important subject has to offer you.
Result your result

There are two vital directions you can go when it comes to hard drive recovery: with a professional recovery interior, or a do-it-manually value. Software are greatly more economical to use than a ceremony band, but they are excluding steadfast than with a professional for palpable analyzes. My part is to help you control which one suite you best.

Software verses benefit

We have just reached the tip of the iceberg, as the remainder of this article will help to further your understanding of this complex subject.

What I have found out over the time is that almost everybody desires to try hard drive data recovery software, because it is cheaper, nearer, and exclusive. That being said, some users have no sphere with hard drive recovery software, because they make matters inferior by not understanding the fundamental group and recovery rungs.

The cry from technicians to make more sophisticated hard drive recovery tools has also caused a redouble in the number of hard drive casualties. This is because the more potent the solution, the more hurt that can transpire. Yes, these potent plans can recovery more data, but if you do not know the prim procedures, they can also wreck data.

Examine and Development

I have had many conversations over the time with colleagues from diverse hard drive recovery interiors about what even of software they want us to remodel, and how greatly of the plan should be presented to the broadcast. There have been two analyzes me have explored this area:

First, is for economical analyzes. Clearly, the cheaper the software, the more people will use these hard drive recovery tools. On the other hand, the more potent the value, the excluding want the broadcast has for transport their drive to a hard drive recovery ceremony. Because we also remodel tools for these firms, we have to assess welcome both groups of users, which at period can be a challenging task.

The next analyze for this explore is for data security. In other lexis, how greatly do we want to safeguard you from manually? We really want you to recovery your own data, and portion you thwart undoable mistakes is part of the method. I say this because invariably I (and other ceremony companies) get drives weekly that have been messy by miswrite software utilities. As a consequence, many of these drives are considered unplayable.

Central the select line between present you heartless verge technologies in the form of software, and making you mail your drive to a practiced to safeguard your data from your potential critical mistakes, is an obstinate verdict. I say this because I know you want to try the recovery manually - at slightest as the first rung.

Your Next stride

While you do not want to break in receiving your data back, you also want to take the right rungs to safeguard your data. I want you to be asking manually, "Can I do this myself, or should I use a hard drive recovery professional?" If you are not indeed, get help. You know your capabilities, and by appraisal this information, you will perhaps know which solution is best for you.

To learn more about this topic, visit your local library or do a simple Internet search to get the information you desire.


Before attempting any recovery, make sure you have a viable back up copy of the information on your computer. It is essential to do a back up at least once a month, though every week is better in some cases. If you own a business, you need to have back ups.

As we all know, this subject is something that we could all use a little education on no matter who you are.
You can back up your computer on floppies, ribbons, or sometimes on another computer and then shift information. It is best to have a back up on an eternal floppy or ribbon, however. Not having a back up can spoil your business.

Evidently, it is easier to cope a hard floppy impel recovery on a special computer over a business computer. Businesses mandate access to their past account and agendas in order to work. If you are a business, you should rely on daily or weekly back ups.

On a special computer, stuff like desired web pages, dispatch addresses, pecuniary account, and other papers venture destruction in a hard impel breakdown. These are stuff that you will want back ups.

From this point forward, we will let you in on little secrets that will help you implement this subject into your life.

Businesses are a little trickier. Software, pecuniary papers, business facts bases, personnel account, shopper account, and tax information are normally stored on a hard impel. If one worker's computer crashes it is a cope able result. If the intact attendant crashes, it can take hours, perhaps time for a computer procedure to be up and operation again. This can be costly to any business.

Hard impel recoveries need your procedure to be erased and then stuff are reinstalled one by one. All agendas have to be reinstalled. Information is added back in. It is a time consuming handle that any computer skilled dreads.

There is a way to eliminate a good compact of the hassle tortuous with a hard impel recovery. Instead of relying on your own back ups, there are companies who payment a token fee to go in and stage back ups for you. They keep these back ups stored in their locality. If a procedure refurbish is essential, they can then have you relation to their website and shift all your information to the remedy folders and library.

To stage a hard floppy recovery, you mostly run a software agenda that refurbishes it for you. There are online agendas that will keep your facts stored securely offsite with their band. With one of these agendas can keep time and money. Instead of having to refurbish stuff one by one, you can retrieve important information from their band.

Instead of compacting with the incredible stress and excruciating headaches that a hard impel breakdown can root, why not have a stable back up untaken? A world of burden can be impassive from your shoulders by relying in a definite specializing in procedure back ups.

If we have failed to answer all of your questions, be sure to check into other resources on this interesting topic.


The computer has become one of the most important tools in our daily lives. In fact, there are so many people all over the globe who simply can't live without this technology. These people usually work and communicate through their compute that when their personal computer would malfunction, it would seem like the world have caved in on them.

Learning about this subject will help you more in the long run than you may realize, until the time comes when you really need it.

Technically, all computer hard takes would eventually boom us. These are just hardware that could abate with age, steady use, mishandling and nastiest of all, the incursion of computer viruses that have the clout to wreck havoc on our computer methods. However, the good newscast is that we can actually stop our hard take from rolling down faster than they should. Of course these customs and means of stopping hard booms are not foul evidence as there are accustoms some factors, which we cannot seem to rule at all. However, let us look at the quick boundary of stuff.

As for viruses that are regularly deadly when they handle into our method, one can settle effectual unwilling virus software that detects the virus as it try to record into our method. We can settle firewalls to conceive a barrier and stop intruders from recording into our methods. If we can keep out the viruses from our hard takes, our annals will be cautious.

Now, viruses are not the only dangers to our hard takes. Over intensifying could also origin our hard takes to malfunction and break our annals. Though in the earlier, over intensifying of the hard take may not be very noticeable as our computers are still with drop velocity, the new models of computers are coursing figures at very high velocity that over intensifying of the takes in now befitting a danger.

Ask yourself a few simple questions to determine if you fully understand the concepts that we have went over so far.

Though our award day computers are equipped with built in fans and cooling method, the velocity at which our award day computer course figures could cause the temperature in the hard take to about 70 degrees F. Such temperatures could origin computer booms as some of the parts of the computer would melt under the intensity. The bad newscast about this site is that is would be very thorny, in fact it is near impossible to claim figures in hard takes that boom down due to severe intensity.

To stop your computer from over intensifying, you should make constant that the cooling method thereof is functioning suitably. Make constant after you use your computer for sometime, you will permit the hard takes to cool off. It would also be a good idea to give additional ventilation to your computer if you are vacant to use it for a prolonged time of time in lone scenery. You may also get one of those monitoring software tools to alert you in lawsuit your computer has reached a vital turn of intensity.

Share the information that you have learned with your friends and family. They will be impressed by your knowledge and happy to learn something new.


Data Recovery is the process of retrieval of inaccessible or corrupt data from digital media that has become damaged or has been corrupted in some way. Data Recovery can be used to recover data from devices as varied as Hard Disk Drives, Memory Cards, Tapes, Mobile Phones, Personal Digital Assistants, Floppy Disks, CDs, DVDs, Data Cartridges, Xboxes and many more items.

If knowledge is power, then after you have finished this article, you will be feeling like Mighty Man when this subject is brought up in casual conversation.

facts Recovery may be wanted for reasons which could embrace issues as diverse as hardware fiasco, (the fasten has been 'chain' up, the hard disk constrain has botched, it could have suffered fire or flood harm, or sensible fiasco, there can be corruptions in firmware, semiconductor fiasco, or accidental fiasco/deletion, a storeroom symbol could have been dropped, a hard disk constrain may have been 'accidentally' formatted). All of these instances will imply the military of a professional data recovery band if the data was of such estimate (be it sentimental or fiscal) that the expense of the military are excluding than the perceived estimate of the data which is no longer accessible.

It is not just businesses who are at expose from data injury. Clients requiring data recovery come from all walks of life, plus governments, large corporate, minor businesses, and the person employed to "Joe open" who, with the introduction and subsequent boom in the use of PC's and digital cameras etc to fastest unusual occasions, feast videos and photos etc may have gone something from sentimental data to risky emails, and personal account facts. Students are regularly grouped under this course too.

There are copious customs that data can be improved from digital media which can disagree soberly; the simplest mode can imply the operation of vital software on the storeroom avenue in quiz. This is accustoms a risky idea, because the recovery data could overwrite the very data that is being improved. More compound commercial software tools are presented which will do this job more professionally. No software fix should be stabled earlier to the earliest media being viewed, enabling the recovering band to work on a 'back-up' of the earliest software. The most professional companies will also take a support view should there be a conundrum with the first view that is being worked on for recovery.

As we continue, we will take a look at how this new information can be implemented in very special ways.
The next conundrum is what happens when the hard disk or storeroom symbol doesn't work. For the minor 'facts Recovery Companies', this is a conundrum, and it is when the more sober facts Recovery Companies get implied. It is accustoms recommended that the most risky work should be sent to a real data recovery specialist, (sound guard out the accreditations - guarantee the specialist has ISO9001-2000 attribute poise type, and is expert to ISO BE EN 14644 to guarantee that their fresh feature is at the mark amount for forward data recovery work, find out how long that band has been trading, and sound guard their testimonials).
Once you have found the band that you are joyful with, if the data storeroom symbol doesn't work, there is a high likelihood that the digital media will imply standby parts. There are specialist organizations which promote standby parts for old and hard to get grasp of disk constrains to facts Recovery Companies enabling them to get the earliest data accessible for long enough to view the data against a committed storeroom symbol, enabling that data to be duplicated again which in transform allows a sound recovery stab to be achieved.

The data recovery job is usually perfect when a tilt of all the improved documents is sent to the client. Once the client approves this sleeve tilting, they are then shipped the data on an appropriate media. This can be a hard disk constrain, floppy disk, CD or DVD. Alternatively, if a sleeve is considered risky, it can be encrypted and then emailed to the client.

It should be renowned that in excessive luggage it may be impossible to recover any data.

The best guidance I can deal the client is this:

"As shortly as you have gone data you should poor off your symbol and propel it to a professional facts Recovery party to optimize your odds of a successful recovery". What you have learned while reading this informative article is knowledge that you can keep with you for a lifetime.


Hard drive recovery can help you reclaim lost data that would otherwise be impossible to restore. While hard drive recovery sounds promising, you still have the task of choosing the correct solution for your particular problem, and then following through with the appropriate steps to get your data recovered.

We have numerous other articles written on this very subject. Each one tackles a different aspect of this complex topic.

Result your mixture

There are two critical directions you can go when it comes to hard drive repossess: with a professional repossess middle, or a do-it-manually advantage. Software are greatly more economical to use than an advantage circle, but they are minus unfailing than with a professional for evident analyzes. My part is to help you establish which one suite you best.

Software verses ceremony

To understand the next part of this article, you need to have a clear grasp of the material that has already been presented to you.

What I have found out over the time is that almost each request to try hard drive data repossesses software, because it is cheaper, closer, and personal. That being said, some users have no company with hard drive repossess software, because they make matters shoddier by not understanding the fundamental group and repossess actions.

The cry from technicians to make more sophisticated hard drive repossess tools has also caused an enhance in the number of hard drive casualties. This is because the more violent the solution, the more dent that can appear. Yes, these violent plans can repossess more data, but if you do not know the genteel procedures, they can also demolish data.

Explore and Development

I have had many conversations over the time with colleagues from different hard drive repossess middles about what sense of software they want us to expound, and how greatly of the plan should be existing to the shared. There have been two analyzes me have explored this subject:

First, is for economical analyzes. Clearly, the cheaper the software, the more people will use these hard drive repossess tools. On the other hand, the more violent the advantage, the minus neediness the shared has for transfer their drive to a hard drive repossess advantage. Because we also expound tools for these firms, we have to poise nice both groups of users, which at time can be a challenging task.

The next analyze for this explore is for data security. In other terms, how greatly do we neediness to shelter you from manually? We justly want you to repossess your own data, and plateful you inhibit undoable mistakes is part of the route. I say this because invariably I (and other advantage companies) get drives weekly that have been untidy by mis write software utilities. As a consequence, many of these drives are considered irreplaceable.

Essential the flimsy line between donations you sharp sidle technologies in the form of software, and making you propel your drive to a skilled to shelter your data from your doable lethal mistakes, is an obstinate result. I say this because I know you want to try the repossess manually - at slightest as the first action.

Your Next stride

While you do not want to interval in receiving your data back, you also want to take the right actions to shelter your data. I want you to be asking manually, "Can I do this myself, or should I use a hard drive repossess professional?" If you are not trusty, get help. You know your capabilities, and by sense this information; you will possibly know which solution is best for you.

The complexities of the subject matter within this article strive to give you a better look at what this subject is all about.


Data Recovery is not Disaster Recovery - contrary to popular belief. Ask somebody what data recovery is, and nine times out of ten the response is, "backup". Thinking the question is too vague, I set out to ask a better one: "What is the difference between disaster recovery and data recovery?"

This article hopes to give you the knowledge you need, to feel that you have a firm grasp on the subject.
Technicians, you'll adoration this one...

When discourse to a group of capitol executives - while presence the world's major technology conference in Germany - I opened the arguement by asking them to demarcate their data recovery policy on a member of paper in thirty seconds. Some of the answers were care-boggling. The most popular one: "backup attendant". The most decent: "I don't know, our IT department handles that." And the most ridiculous: "We don't have this obstacle."

The data recovery dog and colt show...

As we take a closer look, keep in mind all of the useful and important information that we have learned so far.
One man came brazen and said, "I've perplexed some data that I poverty to expound at a sermon tomorrow. Do you think you could help me out?" After listening to all the...I can't judge what I am earshot, I thought of an idea: recapture this guy's records right here in front of everyone, and they will get a first-hand experience of what data recovery is. So, I canned my sermon on Implementing efficient verities recapture Stoolies.

Everyone raised their hands when asking them if they would like to see a demonstration of data recovery. I settled that, 'This man - basil from South Africa - has perplexed some data that he poverties for tomorrow, and that I will first effort to recovery some of it.

Smiles, chuckles, and laughter...

Luckily, all of basils movies were recoveryed. In verity, the data recovery went so well that many more movies he had perplexed were recoveryed too, but I did not know it at that jiffy. I asked basil if I could do a slide show of what I recoveryed. Slide one: A care-map laying out his expoundation for tomorrow. The next few slides: niceties of slide one. Then came the movies that roared down the house. Let's say that basil was naked in a way I cannot argue here.

What is data recovery?

What the executives cultured is that data recovery is your last choice to recovery perplexed data after every viable backup manner has botched - while disaster recovery is implementing a comprehensive data backup proposal, so that when data is perplexed, you just access the backup attendant or a regional storeroom method, like a USB key, to retrieve your perplexed report.

Basil made his expoundation on the airproposale on the way to the show, but botched to back it up. He thought reduction then to his mainframe hard urge was good enough. In this folder, he was not able to access his records because his processor would not wader to the desktop. So, data recovery software was worn to access the processor, and then to reconstruct the report technique, so that the data could be recoveryed to another storeroom form to be worn again by basil.

Verities recovery is a multi-billion dough trade...

The data recovery commerce would be bankrupt if everyone would have a finished backup proposal. But every day lacking flop, we get calls from people like basil who are intelligent and run multi-million and billion dough companies who have perplexed their data. Our guidance: help your work - and not to the processor you are with. And then settle it, because floured is extremely familiar. Lastly, make persuaded you use the floppy Defragmenter work evenly, so that if you do meet a condition where data recovery becomes inevitable, the sensation toll will intensify substantially.

If you could take the main ideas from this article and put them into a list, you would a great overview of what we have learned.